Saturday 14 December 2013

Unit 40 P2, M2, D2 Games Hook


Elfs or dwarfs, good or bad, evil or pure, with or without your friends? These are just some of the desicions you will have to make in this amazing, mindblowing new video game, Anthraxia Origins! Explore the world of Anthraxia and fight your way to the top with 1000s off monsters and quests to kill and complete. With up to 60 levels to gain and with over 50 character spaces, 6 different classes and plenty of end game content such as Player vs Player and Dungeon and Raid Systems and with upcoming Downloadable content for extra levels already in the making your never going to run out of things to do. In this game you won't just fight on your own, you can fight with your friends or other online players but most importantly you will fight with your companion. All characters get a starting companion that is by your side at all times and fights only for you. The best thing about this game is that you can actually buy real figures of these companions from local game stores or online and import these onto the game via the Kinect sensor on your Xbox 360 or Xbox One however you can buy companions on the marketplace on your xbox for a small price for those who do not own a Kinect sensor.  

The genre of Anthraxia Origins

Anthraxia Origins is a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game).

Target Audience

The targeted audience for this game is people that are interested in MMO and RPG games. Also it is rated at 12+ so its aimed at the older kids, teenagers and also adults.

Similar games already on the market

You will like this game if you have played games such as World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings online, Guild Wars 2, TERA Rising and Star wars the old republic as these games are in the same genre as this game and are in a few ways similar to this game.

Target platform

Anthraxia Origins will be available only on the Xbox 360 and the New next gen console the Xbox One. We thought that the Xbox was the best console for this game with its features such as the Kinect sensor which will help with the companion figures and has a good overall big fan base.

Concept Art
                   Example of some Dwarfs and some Elfs
        Example of some of the weapons in the game

                              Just some of the enemies in the game

Places and worlds in Anthraxia

Doom Lord Kazzak (Main enemy)

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